Sunday, April 21, 2019

Practice and RR Scores 4/17/19

Because today is Easter and John is out of town, we moved this week's practice up to Wednesday. It was a beautifully warm day with no wind, so shooting conditions were ideal.

Despite that, I really struggled to find my groove. I don't know if it's because I had a doctor's appointment right before practice, during which I learned I need to have (minor) surgery next month, or whether it was because I hadn't shot in a week and a half, but something was off.

After several frustrating warm up rounds at 20 and 30 yards, I decided to just start shooting for score.

The first RR went, as expected, more poorly than I've been doing lately. With a disappointing timed end, several shots that missed the target entirely at the 40, and a total of only 44 points, I was super frustrated with myself.

I wasn't going to submit a score at that point--a 44 won't affect my average anyway. But I realized I should go ahead and submit it, to keep a record of the fact that I *am* actively shooting every week (which will hopefully be a plus in my ongoing quest to be warranted?).

That decision made, I decided to work at the 40 for a while. I lined myself up, calmed my frustration as much as I could, and shot.

And something *finally* clicked.

So I began a second RR, starting at the 40. And though not all of my arrows scored, none of them at any distance missed entirely. That was MUCH more like what I expect of myself these days. My 20 yard, untimed end was last. I knew going into it that I needed 18 points to make a total of 50.

I shot a 19.

My takeaway from this practice was to not give in to frustration, but to try and find a way to work through it. Off days will happen. Change focus, work on a particular skill, stand in a new position, whatever. Do *something* to shake it up--something where I don't have a preset expectation of myself, and see what I can accomplish.

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4/7/19 Royal Round

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