Thursday, March 28, 2019

3/28 Royal Rounds

I shot two RRs today:

20: 19
20T: 18
30: 10
40: 0
Total: 47

20: 22
20T: 14
30: 9
40: 6
Total: 51

So the 51 will be submitted, which will pull my average up into the high 40s. Progress!

I also think I may have begun to work out my no aim point problem at 40 yards. At 20 and 30, I aim with the tip of the arrow, but at 40 the tip is so far above the actual target face that there's no reliable way to point it at the same spot for each shot. I discovered, however, that if I align the front of the arrow *rest* with the top of the target at 40 yards, I get more or less the right distance. At my next practice session, I will work on refining this and see where that gets me.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Catch-Up Post

So the archery season actually began a week and a half ago, but I didn't have the idea to begin a blog until today. So! There's some catching up to do.

First off: Royal Round Scores!

March 17 == 38 points. Ack! That wasn't the way I had hoped to start the season. However, I experienced bow failure (a crack in the handle of my longbow :-( ), and had to switch back to shooting my recurve for the first time in two years.

March 24 ==  50 points. That's more like it! It's ten points shy of Bowman, but it's a VAST improvement over the previous week. Still shooting the recurve, though I ordered a (cheap) longbow that should come in a couple of weeks. I expect that will primarily be my travel bow for when I fly to out-of-state events, unless I discover I absolutely love shooting it. My RR scores will probably continue to be the recurve for the foreseeable future.

Next: Practice Sessions!

== 3/25 ==
•Arrows Fired: 99
•Average Points Per Arrow: 2.6
•Best End: 22 points (6 arrows)
•Worst End: 21 points (12 arrows)

== 3/26 ==
•Arrows Fired: 138
•Average Points Per Arrow: 2.8 (+0.2 over yesterday)
•Non-Scoring Arrows Fired: 8 (5.8%)
•Best End: 22 points (6 arrows) -- three times!
•Worst End: 15 points (6 arrows) -- also three times.

I've made the executive decision to not go to the range tomorrow (3/27). I could feel the ache in my shoulders when I got up for work this morning, and after stacking planes all morning and then shooting all afternoon, I expect tomorrow morning the ache will be worse. So I declare it a recovery day!

We're shooting RRs on Thursday! Woohoo!

This Crazy Idea...

Hi! I'm Lady Shannon inghaen Bhriain ui Dhuilleain, of the Barony of Concordia of the Snows in the East Kingdom. You've found your way to a blog I created to document and track my progress during the 2019 archery season, during which I have set a specific goal for myself: to improve my Royal Round ranking from Marksman (score 40-59 points) to Bowman (score 60-79 points).

Posts here will probably be really repetitive as I document practice sessions and record royal round scores. I do plan to also record my thoughts, advice I receive from others, videos and manuals I find helpful along the way, etc. I will probably also talk about archery events I attend and competitions I shoot in, so that will break up the monotony somewhat.

Feedback, comments, suggestions, tips, and tricks are all welcome! Please comment freely!

4/7/19 Royal Round

I had a very good day at the range today! 😊 20: 22 20T: 17 30: 15 (a new personal record!) 40: 2 Total: 56 Averaged with my last tw...