So the archery season actually began a week and a half ago, but I didn't have the idea to begin a blog until today. So! There's some catching up to do.
First off: Royal Round Scores!
March 17 == 38 points. Ack! That wasn't the way I had hoped to start the season. However, I experienced bow failure (a crack in the handle of my longbow :-( ), and had to switch back to shooting my recurve for the first time in two years.
March 24 == 50 points. That's more like it! It's ten points shy of Bowman, but it's a VAST improvement over the previous week. Still shooting the recurve, though I ordered a (cheap) longbow that should come in a couple of weeks. I expect that will primarily be my travel bow for when I fly to out-of-state events, unless I discover I absolutely love shooting it. My RR scores will probably continue to be the recurve for the foreseeable future.
Next: Practice Sessions!
== 3/25 ==
•Arrows Fired: 99
•Average Points Per Arrow: 2.6
•Best End: 22 points (6 arrows)
•Worst End: 21 points (12 arrows)
== 3/26 ==
•Arrows Fired: 138
•Average Points Per Arrow: 2.8 (+0.2 over yesterday)
•Non-Scoring Arrows Fired: 8 (5.8%)
•Best End: 22 points (6 arrows) -- three times!
•Worst End: 15 points (6 arrows) -- also three times.
I've made the executive decision to not go to the range tomorrow (3/27). I could feel the ache in my shoulders when I got up for work this morning, and after stacking planes all morning and then shooting all afternoon, I expect tomorrow morning the ache will be worse. So I declare it a recovery day!
We're shooting RRs on Thursday! Woohoo!