Sunday, August 18, 2019

First Practice in Two Months


I had surgery in June, which resulted in me not being able to practice or shoot at events for over two months. As such, my quest to attain the next rank has been pretty thoroughly derailed, and I may have to update my goal to "Marksman to Bowman 2020" at this point.

But today I got out to Concordia practice and shot a Royal Round for the first time since the end of May. It was hot and incredibly humid, and we all observed that our arrows were striking lower than normal. It took quite a few warm-up rounds to dial in an adjusted aim point, and it was really frustrating.

My Royal Round today wasn't great, but for my first day back, I'm happy that I at least stayed in the Marksman range with my score.

20: 20 (I shot this round last, and I was REALLY happy with it)
20T: 14
30: 8
40: 4
Total: 46

We'll have practice again next weekend, and then the weekend after that is Hunter's Moon, so I can record scores on both Saturday and Sunday. I'm hoping the progress I had made before the surgery will come back to me fairly quickly, and will be reflected in those scores. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

4/7/19 Royal Round

I had a very good day at the range today! 😊 20: 22 20T: 17 30: 15 (a new personal record!) 40: 2 Total: 56 Averaged with my last tw...